Scientific Name: Leucopogon margarodes
Pronunciation:lew-co-PO-gon mar-gar-O-des
Common Name:Pearl Beard Heath
Flowers:white, hairy throat
Fruit:small, translucent.
Vegetation Type:Seacoast
Species List:Bush food, FI Podberscek, Emu Mt., Kingfisher Bay Resort, Fraser Island, Batianoff 87, TAFE, BHNR
Cultural Notes
Small fruits eaten.||
Identification Notes
Flowers born, usually singly, in leaf axils. ||Leaves: alternate, spirall arranged along the stem, simple, entire, with scattered hairs visible on both surfaces. Venation parallel and visible underneath. Leaves have rounded tips, widest at upper part of leaf, green above and much lighter below. Margins recurved.||Stem reddish and covered with white hairs.||
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