Scientific Name: Phragmites australis
Pronunciation:frag-MY-tees aus-TRARL-iss
Common Name:Swamp Sedge, Common Reed
Derivation:Phragmites: from the Greek phragma (a hedge) and -ites (resembling). Name used by Dioscorides for a species whose stems were used for making hedges. australis: of the south.
Flowers:Open slightly nodding or drooping panicle. Brown to purplish in colour
Vegetation Type:Permanently wet areas, in swamps and along the banks of creeks and rivers
Species List:W2, NLTalks2010, Peregian Boardwalk, Banana, Grass book, Mill Point, Cooroibah Conservation Park, Cooroibah Bushland Reserve, Batianoff, Botany 07, Cranks Creek, Noosa Banks, NNS Frog Hollow, BHNR, Lake Cooroibah, Heritage Park
Cultural Notes
Binds river banks and prevents erosion. Stems used for making bags and baskets. Used for thatching and mats.
3rd February 2013 Paper was successfully made from this plant.
Identification Notes
Leaf sheath clasps stem tightly. Blades flat coarse smooth hairless, tapering from broad base to a long fine point, 20-60 cm long, 6-50 mm wide.
Associated Fauna
Butterfly host plant: White glass dart, Evening brown. Provides habitat for wildlife.
Landscaping Notes
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