Scientific Name: Utricularia biloba
Flowers:deep blue with wide lip - occur at intervals along stem. summer.
Vegetation Type:moist, muddy
Species List:Fraser Island, Batianoff 87,
Identification Notes
"Description: Terrestrial or subaquatic perennial herb. Leaves usually 0.5–5 cm long, the smaller ones simple, the larger leaves 2–3-pinnately divided. Traps on stolon branches and leaves; obliquely broad-ovoid, 0.5–1.5 mm long; mouth lateral. Raceme erect, solitary, 10–45 cm long, 2–20-flowered; apically congested, lax below; scales few, similar to bracts; bracts basisolute, 1.5–2.5 mm long; bracteoles absent. Calyx lobes unequal, circular or transversely elliptic 1.5–2 mm long. Corolla 7–10 mm long, dark blue-violet with 2 white streaks at base of lower lip; spur cylindrical, about as long as lower lip. Flowering: Feb.–Mar. Distribution and occurrence: Grows in wet sand and shallow water in coastal heath" (PlantNET)