Scientific Name: Decaspermum humile

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  • Common Name:
    Silky Myrtle
  • Type:
  • Family:
  • Flowers:
    White Autumn
  • Fruit:
    Black, globular berry, 3-5 mm dia
  • Vegetation Type:
    Subtropical and Dry Rainforests and along scrubby watercourses,
  • Species List:
    Kin Kin Arboretum, Hedges, FI Podberscek, Upper Yandina Creek, NNP Tanglewood
Identification Notes

Bark patchy and scaly/fissured ||Branches tend to be weeping Branchlets and young leaves silky-hairy||Leaves: finely pointed. New growth pink covered in silvery silky hairs.||Flowers: white or pale mauve in profusion.||Fruit: Small black succulent berries.||

Landscaping Notes

Landscaping potential in suitable areas. ||Should be more frequently used as a generally hardy shrub for its attractive foliage, beautiful new growth and fragrant flowers, as a screen or in mixed plantings.||Propagation is from seed, ripening from May-November, and germinating easily; or from tip cuttings which strike reliably. It will tolerate a wide range of climatic conditions in sun oir partial shade, and most soil types, providing they are well drained.||Successfully propagated by Mooloola Native Nursery.||Successfully propagated by Barung Landcare||